What If My Decode Age Package is Missing?
Order delayed? Find out how to get fast help on your missing Decode Age delivery.
Missing Packages
When Should You Worry About Delivery?
When you place an order with DecodeAge, you can expect it to arrive in a timely manner. Delivery times vary based on your location and the size of your order. Domestic orders will typically arrive within 5 business days, whereas international orders could take up to 4-6 weeks.
If you don't receive your order within the expected timeframe, it's important to contact our customer service team. The sooner you report an issue, the quicker it can be resolved.
How to Report a Missing Package
If you believe your package is lost or is taking longer than expected to arrive, please reach out to our customer care team at care@decodeage.com. Include your order number, the date of purchase, and any correspondence or tracking details if possible. This information will help us investigate the issue and provide a prompt resolution.
Details You'll Need to Share
When you submit a report about a missing or seemingly late package, the more details you can provide to our customer support team the better. We suggest providing us with your order number, the date of purchase, and any correspondence or tracking details you've received.
We thank you for your patience. Our customer service team will do their best to investigate and get a timely resolution.
Last updated
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